
Mind Games for dogs

The dog's nose is its most highly developed sense. What the eyes are to humans, the nose is to dogs.

Through smell, they can extract all the information from their environment, the brain sets itself in motion and that creates peace. Combining mental games with physical activities on a daily basis keeps a dog mentally in balance.

Moreover, it has been shown that mind games give dogs self-confidence, because they search for solutions themselves and are rewarded for this. That is why mind games are often used with insecure, fearful or hyperactive dogs.

Your bond and trust will also be strengthened as you do fun things together and accompany your dog on his quest. How best to accompany these mind games is something I would like to explain to you during our workshop.
First, you get some information about the benefits, rules and tips. Afterwards, we get to work.

Where: Heerbaan, in Meerbeek
(via Meerbeeksesteenweg, direction vossenhol, 300 metres on your left, meadow with Belgian flag)

Parking: On the Heerbaan, (left side on the road)

Bring with you:
  • Sturdy shoes (on the meadow it can sometimes be a bit muddy)
  • Delicious dog treats (quite strong-smelling)
  • Poop bags
  • Your good mood ;-)

Hereby the house rules concerning the use of the meadow:

For the safety of the dogs, we ask not to allow contact between strange dogs on a leash.

To keep the field clean, we ask you to clean up your dog's excrement and to deposit it in the dustbins.

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