Dog Training

Tailor made coaching and private training

Every dog owner dreams of a well trained dog who obeys in all circum-stances. As well for your own security, it is very important that your dog listens to you at all times.
Think about the instances where you have to recall him in a dangerous situation or to give him the command LEAVE to avoid him swallowing something not suitable for a dog.


Obedience starts with a good bond with your dog. How more quality time you spend with him during training or play, how bigger the chance of a good relation with your dog. When the dogs feels that being with his owner is fun, his willingness to please you will only enhance.

It is for this reason that during coaching, we stress the importance of creating a very good connection with your dog via mutual respect and trust.

We teach you how to teach your dog new commands or train further on known commands in a positive way.  Dogs that experience positive emotions while learning simply learn much faster.
We teach you how you can further put this training into practice and how you can apply it in your daily education.

We teach you all kinds of fun games you can do with your dog to strengthen your bond.
Mutual trust is the most important thing to have in order to have a close bond with your dog. During the socialization this is a very important aspect. You need to understand your dog at that time, be able to see his emotions and respond to them. That creates trust. That is why we also like to give some extra information about recognizing body language and stress signals in dogs.

In order to understand each other, the owner and his dog have to understand each other language. The dog has to learn our language via the teaching of commands. Why would we not do an effort in understanding his language?


We also coach in unlearn unwanted behaviour: a puppy who bites forbidden objects, a dog who leaps on people, a dog who steels objects, a dog who pulls at the leash during walks…

Each dog is unique, with its own characteristics, insecurities and impulses. With our tailor made coaching, we offer guidance to you and your dog, according to your own wishes and taking into consideration the temperament of your dog, its physical and mental abilities and medical past.

In short, every approach will be different and unique.

Luna Jack Russel
Geen enkel boek over het opvoeden van honden of geen enkele hondenschool kan opwegen tegen de persoonlijke aanpak die Isabelle Perrenoud, als persoonlijke trainer van Escape Farm haar klanten biedt. Want voor Isabelle is elke hond uniek en verdient hierdoor een eigen aanpak. Door haar passie, vakkennis en blijvende inzet heeft Isabelle ervoor gezorgd dat de wandelingen met Shae, onze jongen Golden Retriever, aangenaam zijn geworden. Waar Shae vroeger steeds aan de lijn trok, heeft zij ons geleerd dat wandelen met een aangelijnde hond niet gaat over hoe je moet omgaan met een hondenriem, maar over je moet omgaan met een hond. Ze leerde ons hoe we het mogelijk konden maken dat Shae in connectie met ons kwam en bleef. Het mooie van haar werkwijze met honden is, dat ze deze benadert vanuit hun perspectief, wat automatisch bijdraagt tot een natuurlijk wederkerigheid: wat je geeft aan je hond krijg je terug. In ben er ten stelligste van overtuigd dat Isabelle elk probleemgedrag van een hond zal weten te begrijpen en derhalve zal kunnen bijsturen.
- A.V. baasje van Shae