Dog Therapy

3 years ago I adopted a dog from Romania. Like many of you who adopt dogs through similar organizations, I had never seen " Stella " and knew very little about her past.

Although I was overjoyed at her arrival, I realized that she would likely exhibit some problem behavior. Once she arrived with us, it turned out to be even worse than expected. Stella had an enormous fear of men, did not dare to go for a walk, was frightened by the slightest movement or sound, inside the house she never dared to leave her dog basket, not even to drink or eat.
And so it all started ...

Since I've always been passionate about dogs and their communication and wanted nothing more than to help our Stella with her problem behavior and improve her quality of life, the step was quickly taken to train as a dog behaviorist at Toscanzahoeve in Aarschot.

Behavioral problems can have so many causes: past traumas, basic needs that cannot be satisfied, not suitable dog for this family composition, lack of socialization, wrong approach in training or education, medical problems,...
And express themselves in so many different ways: separation anxiety, biting behavior, fear, aggression, attacks on the leash,...


For all these reasons, during a behavioral consultation I opt for a whole approach. All elements are taken into consideration. I analyze the behavior, how it manifests itself and the accompanying emotions, taking into account the character, the environment, the past and the medical background. If necessary, small behavioral tests are performed.

Based on this you get an anamnesis, character analysis and treatment plan. In the treatment plan all exercises, training and homework will be communicated. And where necessary we support the behavioral therapy with herbs or behavioral medication (these are only prescribed by veterinarians!!).
If necessary, you can call on our Dog Training afterwards to put the treatment plan into practice.

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